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Showing posts from September, 2019

The Rumours

Wilson Port, Tewanta - 3305-09-21 08:11, Galactic Standard Time Francis Bonetti arrived at his cubicle office on the maintenance deck of Wilson Port to find his chief engineer, Kayleigh, waiting for him. She was sitting on his desk, with a coffee bulb in one hand, a slice of cake in the other with her legs swinging. "Morning Frank. Nice haircut! Have some cake. It was sent up by one of Progenitor Eisley's staff, 'in appreciation for all your hard work'. There's a little hand written note pinned to the box." "That's nice. Is it good?" "Oh yeah! It's Tewantan Boon Cake. Sweet, spicy, with a faint citrus tang." "You sound like one of those chefs on the new entertainment holo-vid channels." "I am a confections connoisseur, Frank. You know this. Hey, did you hear about the guy winning a luxury cruise holiday to the California Nebula? Luck...

The Delivery

Tall Base, Tewanta - 3305-09-05 15:37 Samuel Singh took a deep breath after concluding his video call with the Board of Directors. He had explained the situation as best he could. At approximately 13:00 an explosion occurred in one of the cargo storage areas in the base. This lead to a large fire which caused serious damage to the life support systems. The fire was still going in some areas, but was mostly under control. If they could vent the air out of a few areas the fire could be put out, completely. Before that could happen, some bulkheads needed to be repaired, some people needed to be evacuated to safe areas, and some blast doors closed. He had people working on that. However, the damage to the life support systems was a concern. The system's backups were strained to capacity and the different distribution of people in the base due to the evacuation of the damaged and burning areas didn't help. Tall Base was one ...