Wilson Port, Tewanta - 3306-09-25 07:56 GST Francis Bonetti, manager of the Wilson Port Outfitting and Repair deck, stepped out of the transport pod and into the Station Administration offices. This section of the system was at the outer edge of the coriolis station and had a noticeably stronger artificial gravity from the station spin than the outfitting deck. He was here for an urgent in-person meeting with Progenitor Woodward and he was nervous. He had no idea what it was going to be about: he was told that the topic for discussion was best dealt with face to face. He hoped that he wasn't in trouble. He knew that, in principle, The Protectorate was in favour of staff modifying the procedures and making their ways of work more efficient, but worried that his team may have taken things too far. There wasn't a day where part of the manual wasn't updated, or even rewritten. The outer office was pretty large about ten...