Ohm Colony, HIP 82030 - 3307-04-04 18:43 GST Specialist Kayleigh Rouse stood shifting uncomfortably in her new Maverick class pressure suit. She had acquired it that day in Laveykin Hub, in the Supay system as an alternative to her normal hazardous environment suit. It fit okay, but she wasn't used to it. It was bulkier than her H.E. suit in some ways and less bulky in others. She suspected that she'd get used to it after a few hours, but for now it felt weird. At this point in time, though, everything felt weird, and it had felt weird ever since she and her teammate in the weapons inspection team, Hiroko, had discovered that two enzyme missile warheads were missing from Laveykin Hub. They'd managed to figure out that a cargo pod that likely held the warheads was smuggled off that station on a ship called the Purple Ghost. The next known stop that that ship had made was here, Ohm Colony. They'd reported that in...